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Monday, April 8, 2013

Review of the film "The Guest"

Download The Guest (2013) HD

Oh, and the same fate awaits difficult "guests" - where there heroes of the film with their pathetic problems! Stamp "from Stephenie Meyer's" should, in theory, provide a picture of close attention of the target audience of "Twilight" and box office success. That's just how it turned out, the target audience of "Twilight" is not very interested in something from creator of "Twilight" and that "Twilight" is not. And, presumably, a decent portion of the audience will leave the session offended because "Guest" is not so much on these ragged "Twilight" is like (certainly much less than they could expect loyal fans glamorous vampire franchise). But the other part of the audience to which any mention of "Saga" and its creator acts as a pack of werewolves on allergy, defaults absentia betray movie ostracized - with no chance of rehabilitation. And to overcome this attitude, the "guests" had to be a natural masterpiece, so yes, that was breathtaking and the tower frustrated. Alas, she was before as far as to the status of Tyler Lautner action-star. Movie came out only good.

We have no idea how much a cinematic "guest" left from the original novel (in his eyes did not see), but that's directorial hand of director-screenwriter Andrew Niccol guess the movie once or twice, and here it is much stronger and more confident than , for example, in the "Time". "The Guest" - a leisurely, even meditative act somewhere in a fairly conventional fantastic surroundings with virtually no action, but rich dialogues and monologues about anything. And all this is wrapped in quite a stylish and very glamorous pictures, and even a fabulous beauty soundtrack.

True, and so totally calm narrative somewhere near the middle is very very sleepy, and then completely slack (then the situation is corrected, but the aftertaste, that is). Well, the fantastic element, to say nothing, and did the weakest component of the film, which is purely utilitarian functions: starts the story and at the right moments helpfully provides opportunities for its future development. Many (but what's there, almost all) points about life, society, technology, physiology and objectives of alien invaders have just taken for granted - they are in the movie or not disclosed at all, or only superficially identified. For some "Independence Day," this would be enough, but from the picture, trying to be a fantastic conversation, even with some of the claims are not intelligent, I would like a little more thorough approach to the creation of the world.

But in actual fact, all this is secondary and unimportant. "The Guest", like all good stories, especially about the people (in this case - and even of intelligent alien dandelions, but it does not change): the heroes, their characters and relationships are more important than all of the above.

And what movie does not grab on the part of intellectual content, it more than compensates for typical emotional level. "The Guest" offers a series of remarkable characters, starting with the main character, both of which the individual from the outset real sympathy, but increasing gradually in the course of mutual development of the characters. In her footsteps - both literally and figuratively - is a Seeker, which rankles neillyuzorno internal conflict, most of which, however, takes place behind the scenes, leaving the internal battles character spectator's imagination. A wise, charismatic and exceptionally shrewd uncle Jeb plays the role of Yoda, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon in one.

However, the fact that it was the trio primarily attracts the viewer's attention, just nothing surprising or not: after all, play a marked characters Saoirse Ronan, Diane Kruger and William Hurt, whose acting talent and ability to create believable and attractive images no doubt (and Saoirse even prettier from film to film.) Is surprising is that in the "guests" there are no annoying and frankly irrelevant characters. Even those who are under the status fiercely enrage the male part of the audience (such as characters, causing the inevitable romantic interest Melanie, Wanderer, or simply related by family ties), manage to cleverly do not shine and drag over the narrative quilt, instead cleverly shading more interesting characters. Too, you know, art. And considering that all of the above applies to the kind of indirect cinematic heir to the "Twilight" where the level of empathy about the characters correspond to the level of empathy bundle of radishes (and in some cases - a mosquito midnight itchy over your ear), such a contrast downright astounding, if not shocking.

And finally, a romantic line, subject, in this case a particularly delicate and painful for many. You will not believe it, but here in "The Host" is all right. Where it develops more rapidly than you-know-where, and starts to play an important role in the plot and did not until the story passes over the middle. And it does not get bored, because, first, between the characters is the notorious chemistry and their attachment really believe, and secondly, "The Guest" once again recalls its fantastic nature and suddenly gives one of the most interesting and unusual love triangle (quadrangle? three-a-half-gon?) for a long time. And even those who regularly gives itself felt heavy inheritance, as too bombastic bombastic dialogues, especially when it comes to feelings and other delicate matters, not much can ruin the experience.

All in all, a truly "guests" had no luck with just one: with the "Twilight" context from which no escape. However, we have something to him what's the matter? Cinema eventually got a very decent - it's much more important.

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