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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Trance (2013)


There are directors who's entire career sluggish remove the same movie, with some variations. House of Cards their self-esteem blows from Hurricane peals lordly sniffing by Danny Boyle. Perhaps this is the most versatile Englishman mad devil in the world. Just look at the track record of this fellow to understand - very heavy so it does not exist. Then you and the playful criminal and drug confusion and beautiful science fiction about the ignition of the sun, and one of the best films about zombies, and the Oscar-winning film adaptation of a quiz with Indian motifs, and even relatively chamber drama about how James Franco and he was crushed under the cobblestones it sits. In general, Danny Boyle - the human analogue of the Swiss knife, which hid thousand gadgets - from pedicure scissors to the grenade launcher. You can never guess which one he'll do next.

With the "trans" Boyle seems to have decided that rather surprising people with only one subject of the picture - though content will match for. Before a session in a better position to bring the brain back and mentally prepare for what is to him now would do something like that, why not train in kindergarten. About the Good stop-word, which would stop the madness, of course, no one cared. Way back from this mental brace not.

This is only one Nolan prefers surgical accuracy of twists and turns. Cold and impeccable calculation underlying the complex and multilayered structure - it is also for him. While Christopher decorum and carefully writes a dramatic equation Boyle in the narrative frenzy sweeps away everything in its path. They are not guided by rational deliberation, and the excitement of a mad scientist. Demonically laughing, he erects a tower of Babel story of somersaults and destroys it in the name of the great surprise.

The hall is already starting to smell burnt by melting gyri, and the film does not let up in an epileptic fit and continues to wind events. More! More! More! More! Sometimes it dangerously close to the edge of delirium. It is tempting to say that the script sucks the thumb of some ideas, but it's not quite fair. Everything points to the fact that in search of inspiration, he slaver is not one finger, but rather one hundred - and not human, and velikanskih. However, the chaos is so bursting with things happening spectacular drive that all confusion is transformed into a genuine admiration.

The more pleasant, that in the end all this incredible tangle unravels without a hitch and without a hitch. No agony and curses from the category: "Boyle, rascal, you tricked us!" Ambush zakomuristy mess, it was not too lazy to clean up the blockage and provide quite a distinct and reasonable explanation. To continue the metaphor of the battered forced copulation with a spectator's head, then the story ends amicably - if not the wedding, then, at least, left a telephone.

It would be criminal not to mention that the presentation of all this pandemonium carried out the most refined manner. Boyle's deceit is no limit. Not only is it a luxury of directing periodically breathtaking - a rogue absolutely not shy repeatedly increase the effect of a powerful soundtrack. Perhaps the last gleams like klipovoy splendor spoiled Zack Snyder movie theaters with his "holds barred."

Speedy Danny kept up everywhere: to tell a beautiful story, and proved itself and Rosario Dawson among exposed the affair. A great achievement that will not be easy to beat. However, the Boyle seems to have a plan - a sequel to "Trainspotting" with a very, very promising title.


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