White House Down (2013) download
White House Down (2013) - Review
U.S. lawmakers it's time to seriously ponder on the subject of restrictions on the activities of Hollywood kinodela. In particular, the ban last invent stories for certain genres of films - for example, the black list for a long time already begs the classic horror films. The second good candidate for a long-term ban - dumb jingoistic thriller about a desperate lone hero. Seriously, we have seen enough of all this garbage in the eighties, and then in the nineties. In recent years, however it became clear that without the slightest claim to originality (well, at least for entertainment) nothing good come of these stories just can not.
Roland Emmerich is embarrassed in front of the public for a long time rotten corpse dug up and having fun whistling The Star Spangled Banner began to get up with the body of a variety of obscenity. Watch this spectacle - the painful, painful and downright dangerous for your own mental health.
Any scenario can turn to guess even before the opening credits, to watch this movie for the sake of the story (or rather, his exaggerated similarity) - the most pointless exercise in the local arm Milky Way. Worse, the director openly mocks the audience, forcing guess - everything really so predictable, or the authors of stories are all the same to the contrary? Alas, the first option. The President of the United States looks thoughtfully at Important Watches that he gave his wife, says the banal rubbish, and then puts the object in his breast pocket. Of course, all this is happening for the best shot at the very end - right in the heart of the magic watch. Is this spoiler? Go away then, please, with this site.
The daughter of the protagonist unhappy forgetful loser-father. He was sorry to have missed her school performance - the girl knows how to skillfully waving the Stars and Stripes. What a coincidence - this is such a useful skill in a terrorist attack, and you can, say, the time to signal a determined fighter, ready to hell with it raskherachit - we have, say, the situation is under control. What a pity that in these films, all pilots - very honest and highly moral types, which soon disobeyed the order and jeopardize the safety of the country than fucking fired missiles at a girl with a flag of America.
But the saddest thing in the "storming of the White House" - not even the banality and predictability, no. All completely spoils the blatant tupizna, local idiocy reached almost unattainable heights (or rather, depths), "Die Hard 5". Antagonists - a notorious bunch of incompetent morons, everything is so bad that the most appropriate of a gang of villains is frankly comic character - militarist-bumpkin. Hero Jamie Foxx - the leader of the free world - this is just some anime cosplay Barack Obama. Other extras such as TV personalities or high-ranking officials, with almost the same success would fit into some sort of "Scary Movie" - the good, one scene around here until the pain is similar to an episode from the third part of this once glorious comedy series.
Movies sometimes tries to joke - the problem is that much funnier are more serious moments. Emmerich does not know the difference between appropriate and full of unconscious humor idiocy, so get some kind of porridge made infamous stupid and inappropriate jokes. In this case, it was necessary to go through and remove the already simple action-comedy, oblivious to any drama.
A possible argument in defense of the film would be a spectacle. Unfortunately, such is not the fighters that are not surprising - they do not even remember. Well, somehow remains in the memory of a silly scene with the chase on the lawn and the president, who shoots from a grenade launcher. All the rest - trivial skirmish, the usual fights and bad traced CG-flying aircraft over the city's streets.
"Storming the White House," for obvious reasons, want to compare with the recent "The Fall of Olympus." Tape Antoine Fuqua - too frankly not outstanding thriller with a boring storyline. But there, in spite of the general homeliness, everything that happens on the screen even fit in some laws of decency and logic, resulting in a mediocre sort of came out of the era of hi Steven Seagal.
Emmerich also built a grotesque monster and brainless, unfunny parody of the militants before last decade.
White House Down (2013) download
Capitol Policeman John Cale has just been denied his dream job with the Secret Service of protecting President James Sawyer. Not wanting to let down his little girl with the news, he takes her on a tour of the …
In Theaters
June 28, 2013
MPAA Rating
PG-13 (for prolonged sequences of action and violence including intense gunfire and explosions, some language and a brief sexual image.)
Action/Adventure, Drama
Run Time
2 hours 17 minutes
Sony Pictures Releasing
Production Status
Filming Locations
Washington, D.C., USA
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Produced In
United States
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